Baptism (Christenings)
The arrival of a baby is a joyous event for which God should be praised. A Baptism (Christening) may take one of two forms.
A Service of Dedication and Thanksgiving is a meaningful service for family and friends at a specially arranged time in which the child is named, parents and godparents promise to take their responsibilities seriously in the child’s upbringing and God’s blessing is prayed for. This service is most appropriate where the family does not want to regularly attend church.
Baptism occurs in one of our regular church gatherings where the family are committed members of that congregation. Baptisms are for people of all ages (including children) as we welcome them into the family of God’s people. It is both a personal statement of commitment to follow Jesus (for infants this promise is made on their behalf by their parents) as well as a symbol of forgiveness and new life. Baptisms are done during the regular Sunday services.
A family baptism.
Confirmation is an opportunity for those who wish to affirm the commitment made at their baptism. Usually this is a service occurs once a year and involves attending preparation classes.
Marriage is a wonderful, God-given institution and it is our privilege to help couples before, during and after their wedding. We recommend a pre-marital course. We perform a warm and orderly service of marriage on the big day. We would love to form an ongoing relationship with wedding couples and welcome them into our church. If you’re interested in having your wedding at one of our sites, please contact us for more information on how to make a booking.
It is an honour to be involved with people from our local community as they farewell a beloved family member or friend. On the death of a loved one, families should call a funeral director first and ask them to contact our church. The funeral director can then check the availability of our churches and ministers for a service. Our ministers are also able to take services at crematoriums or other locations. Generally, the minister will arrange a meeting with the family/friends to plan the service as soon as possible. We pray that such occasions will foster a positive connection between our church and the family and friends of the person who has died.
For further information please contacts us 69422546 or Rev Colleen Close 0488916007